
Tuesday 10 December 2019

D4 A3 Mass Migration

I strongly disagree cause Donald Trump should be sharing the U.S.A with the Mexicans and Mexicans should be sharing Mexico because they never did no harm to U.S.A and cause if the Mexican people wanna help their families and build. The President should never be so racist to Mexicans cause if Obama was still the president he would of never built a giant wall. And I wish if there comes out a new vote for the new president I hope he would likely to get eliminated from being President.

And Presidents should not be so racist to his people I wonder why some of the people in the U.S.A really dislike him and some do not dislike him the people who like Donald Trump are so cruel to the people who dislike him. There are lots of reason why I dislike him one of them is that he dislikes children and he dislikes that how some of his people do no like him.

So if a new president comes and eliminates Donald Trump the people who likes Donald Trump would be so ungrateful but they ones who disliked Donald Trump would be so happy and joyful.
Image result for donald trump

Thursday 30 May 2019

My awesome Duffy recount

We are learning on how to make recounts about the Duffy show and making it
awesome for the reader to read.
I have learned that making a recount you will also need 
paragraph's in it so it can make it more fun and amazing to read. 

The best part of the Duffy show was when they were dancing and 
when Duffy ran away from the dismantler it was funny.

What I enjoyed on this recount is that I could choose my own photos
and making sure it was correct and no mistakes it in.

Would you guys do a recount about the Duffy show?
I bet that if you did a recount it would be amazing and awesome.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Celebrating Christmas around the world

We are learning different celebrations.
I found it hard because I've never been to America and France.
Next time I would like to get to know about more places that are different to New Zealand 

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Highwire - Keeping it Real Programme

Hi Everyone - I will be posting again in a few weeks as I am participating in a special programme called  Keeping it Real.
I will be back in week 8 of this term.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Auckland Zoo - Community

     My best part of going to the zoo is looking at the cheetahs play and sleep I was so excited to see the      baboons climb the tress and I laughed when I saw there red bum. All the groups were eating                  together except one of the groups it was fun looking for native birds at the Tane forest we went to go      and see the red panda's they are so cute it makes me wanna smile and cuddle them but you can't            touch them because we don't wanna make them sick. The meerkats looked really funny when they        stand sometimes they can be cute sometimes not my favourite animal was the the red pandas.


Tuesday 25 September 2018

Maths Screencastify - Ignoring Zeros

*We are learning how ignore zeros when doing times tables.
*I found it easy using screencastify, but the ignoring zeros is kind of tricky because I forget to put them back.
  • *Next time I will try to remember to put the zeros back by times by 10 for 1 zero or 100 if it was 2 zeros.

Friday 14 September 2018

Maori language week - Ta moko

Maori Language Week - Ta Moko
  1. Looked at pictures of ngā Ta Moko.
  2. Looked at the meaning in the Ta Moko patterns.
  3. Traditionally Ta Moko was made with a chisel.
  4. Ta Moko starts out small and grows. The females usually only have their chin done.
  5. Painting a mask with skin colour, or close to it.
  6. Designed our Ta Moko
  7. Drew on our Ta Moko onto our mask with vivid.
                                   *We are learning how to draw our ta mokos for our painting.
                 *I found it tricky because it was so hard to make the lips and the pattern on the ta moko.
              *Next time I would like to get more better at doing my patterns and my lips for my ta moko.